Mycotoxicosis Effects in Animals

Animal feed that’s contaminated with mycotoxins can have a wide range of adverse effects on animal health and performance. In many cases, the outcomes of mycotoxicosis can be insidious and subclinical, resulting from exposure to low levels of the toxins over long periods of time, eventually impairing immune system function and leaving animals susceptible to secondary disease.

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Swine icon Swine
Dairy icon Dairy
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Aquaculture icon Aquaculture

Select Your Species

Poultry icon Poultry
Swine icon Swine
Dairy icon Dairy
Companion Animal icon Companion Animal
Aquaculture icon Aquaculture
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Mycotoxicosis Causes a Wide Range of Adverse Effects

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Multiple Mycotoxins Create an Additive Toxic Effect

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Many Factors Influence the Extent of Mycotoxin Toxicity

Multiple mycotoxins can contaminate feed, creating a synergistic, or additive, effect, amplifying the negative effects of each mycotoxin. Signs of mycotoxicosis in poultry can range from mild to severe, depending on the specific mycotoxin involved, the concentration, the duration of exposure, health status of the bird and various environmental factors.

Mycotoxicosis in Poultry

There are a number of mycotoxins which can contaminate poultry feed, meal or raw ingredients, resulting in a variety of negative health and performance issues.

Minimize Mycotoxin-Contaminated Feed Risks with BioInsights

The Amlan International BioInsights Mycotoxin Diagnostic Service helps minimize the risks of mycotoxin-contaminated feed by testing feed ingredients on site to rapidly and accurately identify and quantify mycotoxins in the feed.

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Mycotoxicosis Symptoms Can Vary in Severity

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Contamination From Multiple Mycotoxins Can Cause an Additive Toxic Effect

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Animal and Environmental Factors Influence Mycotoxin Toxicity

Mycotoxicosis symptoms in swine can vary, depending on which mycotoxins are in the feed, their concentration, how long swine are exposed for, if underlying health issues are present and any environmental factors. Multiple mycotoxins contaminating feed, can create a synergistic or additive effect, which magnifies the toxic effects of each mycotoxin.

Mycotoxicosis in Swine

Contamination of feed or raw ingredients can occur from a range of mycotoxins, resulting in a variety of negative health and performance issues for swine.

Know Your Mycotoxin Risk with BioInsights

Our BioInsights Mycotoxin Diagnostic Service can quickly and accurately determine the type and quantity of mycotoxins present in feed. This easy test is conducted on-site and provides a result within minutes.

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Multiple Mycotoxins in Feed Can Cause an Amplified Toxic Effect

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Cow Health and Environmental Factors Influence Mycotoxin Toxicity

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Most Mycotoxin Binders Bind Polar, Not Nonpolar, Mycotoxins

Ruminants are susceptible to the effects of mycotoxin contaminated feed and can develop mycotoxicosis, leading to reduced performance, reduced productivity and other related health issues — particularly if the mycotoxin concentration in the feed is high.

Amlan BioInsights Offers Quick On-Site Mycotoxin Testing

Help protect your dairy herd and your business from mycotoxin contamination with our BioInsights Mycotoxin Diagnostic Service. This on-site test is easy to use and rapidly identifies the type and quantity of mycotoxins in feed.

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High Levels of Mycotoxins in Feed Can Cause Mortality

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Pet Health and Environmental Factors Influence Mycotoxin Toxicity

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Most Mycotoxin Binders Only Bind Polar Mycotoxins

Pet food is routinely tested for mycotoxin contamination during manufacturing; however, in rare cases mycotoxin-contaminated pet food products can still make it to market. Mycotoxins can cause significant health issues for pets, including mortality if mycotoxins levels are high or animals have underlying issues. A healthy gastrointestinal tract can help companion animals mitigate a mycotoxin challenge.

Minimize Mycotoxin-Contaminated Feed Risks With BioInsights

Our BioInsights Mycotoxin Diagnostic Service can help reduce the risk of mycotoxicosis in companion animals. Fast and accurate feed ingredient testing on-site can determine which mycotoxins are present in feed and in what quantity.

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Feed Contaminated With More Than One Mycotoxin Can Result in Amplified Toxic Effects

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Fish and Shrimp Health, Age and Environmental Factors Influence Mycotoxin Toxicity

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Most Mycotoxin Binders Only Bind Polar Mycotoxins

Aquatic species can develop mycotoxicosis when feed is contaminated with a single mycotoxin or multiple mycotoxins. The severity of mycotoxicosis depends on the species, age and environmental conditions, but it generally causes poor growth, elevated disease risk, hepatopancreatic problems in shrimp and, in some cases, mortality.

On-Site BioInsights Mycotoxin Diagnostic Service

Our BioInsights service can help determine if feed ingredients are contaminated with mycotoxins. This on-site analysis provides accurate and fast results that detail which mycotoxins are in the feed and their quantity.

Learn More About Mycotoxicosis in Poultry by Contacting Your Nearest Amlan Rep
Visit the Amlan Blog for Our Insights and Perspectives on the Poultry Industry
Learn More About Mycotoxicosis in Swine by Contacting Your Nearest Amlan Rep
Visit the Amlan Blog for Our Insights and Perspectives on the Animal Protein Industry
Learn More About Mycotoxicosis in Dairy by Contacting Your Nearest Amlan Rep
Visit the Amlan Blog for Our Insights and Perspectives on the Animal Protein Industry
Learn More About Mycotoxicosis in Companion Animals by Contacting Your Nearest Amlan Rep
Visit the Amlan Blog for Our Insights and Expert Perspectives
Learn More About Mycotoxicosis in Aquaculture by Contacting Your Nearest Amlan Rep
Visit the Amlan Blog for Our Insights and Perspectives on the Animal Protein Industry